My Father

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Picture of my father My father is Per A. Strand. He was born on September 2, 1947 and spent his young days in Oslo. After some years he went to Newcastle to study. There he met my mother and love blossomed (or whatever it was!). They got married and got two small sweet children, me and my brother!

My father runs his own consultency firm that makes computer programs of various types. Lately he has been working quite a bit with Bærum Kommune (local council) in Sandvika.

In his spare time he likes to go sailing. He has his own sailbot (a Soling) and he is out sailing it when he has time. He also likes jogging with ample motivation from my mother!

You can se pictures of my father in my virtual photoalbum.

You can also send a mail to him!

This page was first created on January 27, 1997 by Andreas Strand.
Last updated on March 18, 1998 by Andreas Strand.